Links and Pictures from Fredericton

The 2011 CEFTS meeting in Fredericton, New Brunswick had some really great field trips. Here are links for further information.

2011 CEFTS Meeting

It’s been just a week since the end of the 2011 annual meeting sponsored by the Maritime College of Forest Technology in Fredericton, NB. The meeting was a great success! Here is a picture of the participants taken at a restored wetland and pond at the CFB Gagetown Training Area.


Many thanks to Dave McDonald for organizing the meeting and our sincere appreciation to:

  • Robert Whitney, MCFT executive director.
  • Gaetan Bolduc and Mike Boucher, our van drivers.
  • Kenny McGinn and Julie Singleton for dendrology and ground plants help.
  • Heather Flinn, administrative assistant.
  • All the faculty and staff of MCFT.
    We appreciate your great hospitality!

Congratulations to all those who participated in the CEFTS auction, which raised over  $600 for the scholarship fund. Who ever knew that T-shirts, caps, and water bottles could be so valuable.

Click here to see a map of areas we visited during the meeting.