It’s been just a week since the end of the 2011 annual meeting sponsored by the Maritime College of Forest Technology in Fredericton, NB. The meeting was a great success! Here is a picture of the participants taken at a restored wetland and pond at the CFB Gagetown Training Area.
Many thanks to Dave McDonald for organizing the meeting and our sincere appreciation to:
- Robert Whitney, MCFT executive director.
- Gaetan Bolduc and Mike Boucher, our van drivers.
- Kenny McGinn and Julie Singleton for dendrology and ground plants help.
- Heather Flinn, administrative assistant.
- All the faculty and staff of MCFT.
We appreciate your great hospitality!
Congratulations to all those who participated in the CEFTS auction, which raised over $600 for the scholarship fund. Who ever knew that T-shirts, caps, and water bottles could be so valuable.
Click here to see a map of areas we visited during the meeting.