2024 Meeting


Minnesota North College – Itasca Campus, Grand Rapids, MN

Administration Building, Conference Room

July 23-24, 2024

Approved for 14.5 Category 1 SAF CFE credits

To help transportation planning, please register for the meeting by July 16th by clicking here. Remember your room reservation must be made by July 10.

Monday – July 22
5:30 pick up participants at Hibbing airport
Tuesday – July, 23  
0800 Spruce Research Project review (Kyle Person – USDA FS)
1000 Airport pick up 1000-1130 for Tuesday arrivals
1130 MNC Itasca Natural Resources Department/Campus tour (Meadow Kouffeld-MNC)
1200 Lunch
1300 CEFTS Business meeting —- for those not attending, Zoom at https://minnstate.zoom.us/my/lee.kessler
1430 SAF Accreditation review/update (Erin Turner – SAF)
1600 – Itasca Forest Management review (Lee Kessler/Brad Jones – MNC)
1730 BSU 2+2 Forestry Program update presentation (candidate SAF accredited program) (Sam Jones – BSU)
1800 Dinner @ Forest Lake (on your own) – Alumni awards (2 MN)
Wednesday – July, 24
0800 Indigenous Peoples Treaties – TBA
1000 MN Interagency Fire Center Presentation (MICC staff)
1200 Bag lunch (eat in the field)
1230 MN Harvest Site Guidelines training session (Cat 1) (John Segari – MN DNR)
1530 FS Research Lab Presentation (Stephen Sebestyen – USDA FS)
1700 Dinner @ Rapids Brewing (on your own)
1800 Social event (TBA)
Thursday – July, 25
0800 leave for Hibbing airport departures
Most sessions will be out in the field or at other facilities, so dress accordingly (there will be mosquitos)


All transportation for the meeting will be by school vans.
Flights – Skywest/Delta
Monday – July 22
Arrival to nearest airport – Hibbing MN (HIB) Flight 4236 depart MSP @ 4:41, arrive HIB @ 5:36

Secondary arrival is in the morning of July 23, if needed.
Thursday – July, 25
0800 To HIB Depart Flight 4229 @ 1034


Lodging will be in Minnesota North College’s Itasca Hall. Follow the process below for room reservations.
1. Fill out summer housing contact MNC Summer Housing Contract or click this link, and send to Ivan.Bartha@minnesotanorth.edu 
 2. Ivan will reply with an email, which includes a Tech ID # that is used in the next step.
3. You will need to call Jenny LaBarge (218-403-9231) and pay for your room with a credit card.
4. Ivan will meet you upon arrival.
Itasca Hall is the main student dorm on campus. The cost is $26.00 per night. Linens are not provided; however, there will be sleeping bags and pillows available at no cost. The beds are single beds, if you wish to bring your own linens. You may be assigned a one, two, or three-room dorm room.  Rooms are dependent on other summer guest and housing facilities cleaning schedules. You will most likely have a roommate.
You will need to bring your own towels, shampoo, soap, hand towel, hair dryer, bubble bath, etc.
Please make your reservations by July 10th.
Breakfast and lunch meals will be catered in.  If you have any special dietary needs, please notify Lee Kessler (leland.kessler@minnesotanorth.edu)  by July 10th.  You will be responsible for paying for your supper meals at local restaurants.
The cost for the catered breakfast and lunch will be $42.50 with a cash or a check payable to CEFTS at the meeting.
If you have any questions about the agenda, travel, lodging or meals, contact Lee Kessler at leland.kessler@minnesotanorth.edu or 218-244-1765 (cell).